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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Green Thumb

I love plants and gardening but since I have moved to an apartment this year, it's a little different than being able to plant everything I want. At my parents house, we usually have a garden every year so this is my way of bringing home to school with me and it's so much fun!
My orchid and Bamboo in my room
I just got this one last week!

Where the garden begins :)
The start of my green peppers
almost in need of being transplanted

Baby chives

Wild flowers just sprouting!

This may look just like dirt but
 theres a few flowers sprouting there
 This is just the start of the garden and a few of my plants have not sprouted yet but they will soon!


  1. Great!! Actually, I'm a brown thumb, so I cannot do it... When I was in Japan, I tried to grow plants. But, unfortunately it died soon even though I gave water every day!! From then, I stop growing plants...

  2. I'm sorry, but that shouldn't be a reason to stop. There could of been many reasons that the plants did not succeed. It's as easy as looking up some tips on the internet. Some tips that I have are to make sure the seeds are spaced correctly, only watering when the soil becomes dry and to make sure that you don't over water. I also started a few of my plant out with covering them with plastic wrap or a plastic cover. This holds the heat in and allows the seeds to germinate easier. I say try it again because theres nothing better than creating new plant life!

  3. I love all you're pictures of your plants! so cool i have a little tree in my room at home, i miss it when i'm at school haha it's definitely coming to school with me next year!
