Before reading this book, I was unaware that global warming has done so much to the earth. The last time I heard anything about global warming was in my Advanced Chemistry class in high school where we had to watch "The Inconvenient Truth" by Al Gore. At the time of this movie, global warming was still a questionable issue but now we know that it actually is an issue and a most important one.
The signs have came very slowly but our earth is increasing in temperature and it is affecting the life around us. A lot of the unusual weather events such as more thunder and lighting are due to the increase in temperature. The climates have been all messed up with some places getting droughts and some getting floods when they are not expecting them. This causes life to die off or have to move from their habitats because their homes are not the same as which they have adapted to. This causes more extinctions and this is one of the last things we want.
Some people in class said that they did not enjoy reading Bill McKibben because he was negative but I loved the two books we had to read of his. I think that the only way to make a difference is to show the population the truth behind what is happening to our earth and we can't live the way that we are. We need to change our ways because if we don't the future of our generations won't be able to live on the earth. Bill makes it obvious that we are not able to undo what we have already done to our planet but we can try to prevent anymore damage. I would recommend this book to anyone and hope to come across many like it.
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